Points by Position - DEF
Best performance of the week in Green. Best performance of the season in Blue.
80s Hairband Abbey Rocks Boston Massacre  RANK    
Week Player Fan Pts Week Player Fan Pts Week Player Fan Pts Rank Team Total Pts Pts/Gm Team Total Pts Pts/Gm
1 Dallas 13.90 1 Detroit 10.40 1 Pittsburgh 8.00 1 CarJunkies 335.10 23.94 80s Hairband 215.70 15.41
2 Dallas 14.40 2 Detroit 21.70 2 Pittsburgh 23.70 2 Sweet Spot 295.80 21.13 Abbey Rocks 259.00 18.50
3 Dallas 11.00 3 Detroit 17.20 3 San Diego 9.30 3 VoodooDaddies 283.20 20.23 Boston Massacre 204.70 14.62
4 Washington 16.80 4 Detroit 26.80 4 San Diego 12.30 4 Living Dead 274.10 19.58 CarJunkies 335.10 23.94
5 Tampa Bay 6.60 5 Detroit 9.60 5 San Diego 9.50 5 Cry Me A Rivers 259.10 18.51 Cry Me A Rivers 259.10 18.51
6 Washington 22.30 6 Minnesota 13.60 6 Pittsburgh 13.70 6 Abbey Rocks 259.00 18.50 FOBulous 226.00 16.14
7 Washington 5.10 7 Minnesota 13.80 7 Pittsburgh 18.30 7 Michimania 256.90 18.35 kelley's heroes 230.20 16.44
8 Washington 15.50 8 Minnesota 15.00 8 Pittsburgh 15.30 8 kelley's heroes 230.20 16.44 Living Dead 274.10 19.58
9 Washington 15.80 9 Arizona 38.00 9 Pittsburgh 9.60 9 FOBulous 226.00 16.14 Michimania 256.90 18.35
10 Washington 13.00 10 Arizona 19.00 10 Pittsburgh 13.40 10 80s Hairband 215.70 15.41 scratch my nutz 206.10 14.72
11 Washington 23.00 11 Arizona 15.60 11 Dallas 14.80 11 scratch my nutz 206.10 14.72 Sweet Spot 295.80 21.13
12 Washington 9.10 12 Arizona 32.20 12 Pittsburgh 20.70 12 Boston Massacre 204.70 14.62 VoodooDaddies 283.20 20.23
13 Washington 18.80 13 Arizona 15.70 13 Dallas 19.00 Total 3045.90 217.56
14 Seattle 30.40 14 Arizona 10.40 14 Pittsburgh 17.10 League Average 253.83 18.13 Avg 253.83 18.13
Total Pts 215.70 Total Pts 259.00 Total Pts 204.70
Pts/Gm 15.41 Pts/Gm 18.50 Pts/Gm 14.62
CarJunkies Cry Me A Rivers FOBulous
Week Player Fan Pts Week Player Fan Pts Week Player Fan Pts
1 Chicago 30.70 1 Green Bay 24.00 1 New England 21.70
2 Chicago 9.30 2 Green Bay 17.30 2 New England 13.90
3 Chicago 15.40 3 Green Bay 11.90 3 New England 13.40
4 Chicago 34.40 4 Green Bay 21.60 4 New England 11.20
5 Chicago 11.50 5 Green Bay 13.10 5 New England 14.50
6 Chicago 32.80 6 Green Bay 14.70 6 New England 20.00
7 Chicago 17.60 7 Green Bay 17.30 7 Dallas 9.70
8 Arizona 34.80 8 Kansas City 27.30 8 New England 14.50
9 Chicago 13.00 9 Kansas City 8.50 9 Seattle 7.00
10 Chicago 50.40 10 Green Bay 30.60 10 New England 23.80
11 Chicago 25.10 11 Green Bay 18.00 11 New England 31.90
12 Chicago 24.80 12 Green Bay 12.30 12 New England 14.00
13 Chicago 14.20 13 Green Bay 15.20 13 New England 12.70
14 Chicago 21.10 14 Green Bay 27.30 14 New England 17.70
Total Pts 335.10 Total Pts 259.10 Total Pts 226.00
Pts/Gm 23.94 Pts/Gm 18.51 Pts/Gm 16.14
kelley's heroes Living Dead Michimania
Week Player Fan Pts Week Player Fan Pts Week Player Fan Pts
1 New York Giants 10.80 1 Baltimore 25.70 1 Arizona 27.80
2 New York Giants 19.80 2 Baltimore 16.60 2 Arizona 16.20
3 New York Giants 12.30 3 Baltimore 30.50 3 Arizona 20.70
4 Houston 18.10 4 Baltimore 38.50 4 Arizona 14.20
5 Houston 17.30 5 Cincinnati 25.90 5 Arizona 13.50
6 Houston 8.00 6 Baltimore 13.00 6 Detroit 10.10
7 Houston 16.00 7 Baltimore 15.90 7 Detroit 21.10
8 Houston 11.60 8 Baltimore 18.70 8 Detroit 32.00
9 Houston 24.30 9 Cincinnati 11.00 9 Atlanta 14.90
10 Houston 17.00 10 Baltimore 14.90 10 Detroit 8.60
11 Buffalo 19.10 11 Cincinnati 4.40 11 Detroit 12.10
12 Houston 26.60 12 Cincinnati 14.50 12 Detroit 14.70
13 Houston 14.40 13 Baltimore 25.60 13 Detroit 9.30
14 Houston 14.90 14 Baltimore 18.90 14 Detroit 41.70
Total Pts 230.20 Total Pts 274.10 Total Pts 256.90
Pts/Gm 16.44 Pts/Gm 19.58 Pts/Gm 18.35
scratch my nutz Sweet Spot VoodooDaddies
Week Player Fan Pts Week Player Fan Pts Week Player Fan Pts
1 Philadelphia 20.60 1 New York Jets 27.10 1 New Orleans 21.50
2 Philadelphia 15.90 2 New York Jets 29.00 2 New Orleans 14.50
3 Philadelphia 7.80 3 New York Jets 17.00 3 San Francisco 21.80
4 Philadelphia 10.70 4 New York Jets 35.70 4 San Francisco 16.40
5 Philadelphia 13.50 5 New York Jets 26.80 5 San Francisco 29.30
6 Philadelphia 14.00 6 New York Jets 30.70 6 San Francisco 25.70
7 Oakland 9.50 7 New York Jets 15.30 7 New Orleans 25.30
8 Philadelphia 13.40 8 New York Jets 0.00 8 San Francisco 17.10
9 Philadelphia 17.40 9 New York Jets 20.20 9 San Francisco 17.70
10 Philadelphia 26.40 10 New York Jets 19.00 10 San Francisco 11.50
11 Philadelphia 19.90 11 New York Jets 16.70 11 San Francisco 21.80
12 Philadelphia 0.90 12 New York Jets 15.70 12 San Francisco 10.30
13 Philadelphia 12.20 13 New York Jets 18.80 13 San Francisco 23.00
14 Philadelphia 23.90 14 New York Jets 23.80 14 San Francisco 27.30
Total Pts 206.10 Total Pts 295.80 Total Pts 283.20
Pts/Gm 14.72 Pts/Gm 21.13 Pts/Gm 20.23